Did you know that the horror TV show, Tales from the Crypt, was actually based on a comic series by EC Comics? You didn't? Well, as the Crypt Keeper would say, sit back boils and ghouls and enjoy tonight's deadtime story as we recount the origin story of Tales fro...
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At Kreepsville, we're some of Elvira's biggest fans! We love her campy wisecracking humor, her perky-goth vibes, and her gothic and sultry wardrobe. And since Halloween is almost here, what better way to celebrate the season than taking a look at the gothic fashion and s...
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Well boils and ghouls, we’ve made it to 2021 and we’re just a few weeks away from being halfway to Halloween. (To save you the search, it’s Saturday May 15, 2021!) So what better way to get in the mood than to watch horror movies and chill? We’ve all spent the last year ...
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